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Scenario Analysis

Scenario analysis is a vital cog in the backtesting wheel offered by, designed to provide you with comprehensive insights into your trading strategies under various market conditions. By simulating different scenarios, you can evaluate the robustness and performance of your strategy, identify potential risks, and make informed decisions to optimize your trading results.

Key Features

Scenario Creation: You can analyze your trading strategy in custom scenarios based on different market conditions, such as Trend Scenarios (bullish / bearish / range-bound), Event-based Scenarios, Stop-Loss-Success Scenarios, Timeframe Scenarios, and Multiple-symbols Scenarios. Each scenario can be tailored to simulate specific market dynamics and factors relevant to your strategy.

Advanced Analysis: offers advanced analytical metrics to evaluate the performance of your trading strategies across different scenarios. You can assess metrics such as profit and loss, drawdown, win rate, and risk-adjusted returns to gain a comprehensive understanding of your strategy’s performance under various market conditions.

Visualization: Scenario analysis results are presented through intuitive visualizations, including charts, graphs, and performance metrics. This allows users to easily interpret and compare the performance of their strategies across different scenarios, facilitating data-driven decision-making.

Optimization and Refinement: Based on the scenario analysis results, users can refine their trading strategies, adjust parameter settings, and optimize their approach to better align with market conditions. This iterative process allows traders to continuously improve their strategies and adapt to changing market dynamics.