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Tradomate Config

The configuration of your trading bot is done through the TradomateConfig object.

This object is passed to the strategy_info function, which is the first function that is called when your strategy is executed. You can setup the different configurations here.

It is also passed to your strategy function as the first argument. This allows you to access the configuration from within your strategy function.

Configuration options

OptionTypeDescriptionDefault Value
symbolsList[str]List of symbols to trade. This cannot be changed or set manually.The symbol selected to trade
initial_capitalfloatInitial capital to trade with1000000

Custom configuration

You can add your own custom configuration options to the TradomateConfig object.

This can be done by adding a new key-value pair to the config object.

Example usage
import tradomate as tm
def strategy_info(config: tm.TradomateConfig):
# Setting initial capital
config.initial_capital = 1000
# Creating a custom configuration option for length of EMA
config.length = 14
def my_handler(config: tm.TradomateConfig, data: tm.TradomateData):
# Build your Trading Strategy here.
# Get the length of EMA from the config
ema = tm.ta.ema(data.close, timeperiod=config.length)
# Rest of the strategy
if tm.ta.cross_over(ema, data.close):
if tm.ta.cross_under(ema, data.close):